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Showing posts from September, 2018

Seduced by the Prince's Kiss is out today!

Hooray! Seduced by the Prince's Kiss, book #4 in the Russian Royals of Kuban is out today in North America. The series is complete. Stepan's  story brings all the princes back together one last hurrah, and even Prince Dimitri Petrovich from last year's Wallflower series and Preston Worth. The conclusion of this book brings both series together, which was a fun task. I like it when worlds collide and when characters from other books interact with each other. Don't worry, though, if you missed the Wallflowers, you will still have no problem keeping up with Stepan's story, it's just an extra 'Easter egg' for avid Bronwyn Scott readers. In this book, everything has come full circle. The immigrant/exiled princes have found new lives, most of them in England. This is highlighted especially by Stepan's choice of 'occupation.'  As a means of protesting economic injustice, Stepan has become a smuggler, what could be more English than that? And what ...